Pro Tools 8.0.1 is a free update for all Pro Tools 8.0 owners. And gain more efficiency and stability through enhanced workflows, fixes, and other improvements. View and work with audio selections more easily through improved selection drawing. In our ongoing effort to provide you with the best experience possible, Avid has released Pro Tools 8.0.1, a free software update that provides many fixes, enhancements, and improvements, and is recommended for all Pro Tools 8 users.Įxperience faster, more streamlined performance thanks to the software’s snappier interface. Linked from the Featured Downloads under Quick Links in the Support section, and from the following page: To update to Pro Tools 8.0.SeptemPro Tools HD 8.0.1 for Windows Update Added Please read the EOSS (End of Software Support) Announcements for more information. Pro Tools LE 8.0.5 is a free update for all Pro Tools LE 8.0.x owners: ALSO INCLUDED WITH DOWNLOAD LINK. Pro Tools LE 8.0.4 added Windows 7 support and new PC drivers, greatly expanding the number of compatible laptop and desktop computers. Please Note: Pro Tools 8.0.3 software (and higher) does not support some retired products, including: Although there are no known issues with Mac OS X 10.6.3 and Pro Tools 8.0.3 systems, 10.6.3 and higher is not officially qualified or tested with Pro Tools 8.0.3.Pro Tools 8.0.4 added official support for Mac OS X 10.6.3 and higher.Version 8.0.5 supports the following Mac OS X versions, on Intel-based Macs only: Pro Tools 8.0.5 is a free update for Pro Tools 8 owners. Pro Tools Software versions below 8.0.3 are not compatible with Snow Leopard. DIGIDESIGN MBOX-2 Mini Interface w/Pro Tools 8, Mac 10.6.8-10.8.5 &Windows 7. Fast & Free shipping on many items! Make Offer - M-Mob mini 03 with Pro tools LE 8 OSx. It's a great time to upgrade your home music studio gear with the largest selection at. Great deals on Pro Tools 8 Pro Audio Equipment.With Pro Tools First you can start using many of the same tools used by your favorite artists and top recording studios-for free. Audio & Video tools downloads - Pro Tools by Avid Technology, Inc and many more programs are available for instant and free download.