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When using the cumulative time setting with multiple contingencies there was a bug when using the Re-evaluate to Get Limit Monitor Violations button.

  • Transient Stability: Fixed a bug with transient stability limit monitors.
  • Also will write this out to the DYD for repc_b models.

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  • File Formats: When reading the DYD format, now look for special syntax in the plant controller repc_b for the mvabase of the repc_b model using the syntax normally reserved for machine models of mva=123 immediately after the : in the model invocation.
  • If any absolute value of a state in any of the models of that particular generator is greater than the MaxAbsDerivative, it will Deactivate the Active Machine Model for that generator. This script command will look for the derivatives of all the transient stability models states associated with a particular generator.
  • Transient Stability: Added a new TS script command: TSDisableMachineModelNonZeroDerivative(MaxAbsDerivative).
  • With the CTGComboResults object this field indicates if at least one remedial action element was applied after the secondary contingency was applied when reported with the CTGComboResults object.

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    This field will indicate if at least one remedial action element was applied for a Primary contingency for the ContingencyPrimary object. Contingency Analysis Tool: Added new field with ContingencyPrimary and CTGComboResults objects called RemedialActionApplied.If left blank then no information is known about whether or not a remedial action element was implemented. Contingency Analysis Tool: Added new field with Contingency object type called RemedialActionApplied that indicates if at least one remedial action element was implemented for the contingency.

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